Share Your Faith Stories for Catholic Education Week!
Catholic Education Week takes place from May 23 to 27, with World Catholic Education Day falling on May 26.
This year’s theme of our Three-Year Faith Plain is “Disciples Through Witness”. Our focus is on how we are called to share the word of God with others and pay witness by sharing our faith experiences.
So, we are inviting you to share a story of your faith, or a story of someone who has inspired you in your faith!
You may send your submissions to (be sure to include your name or the name of the person you are submitting for!) or share posts from your personal social media accounts. Make sure the post is public and that you tag STAR Catholic School Division on Facebook or @STARCatholic on Twitter and Instagram. Remember to use #IBelieveInCatholicEd on your posts!
We can’t wait to hear what you have to share!